Please be aware that your report must be sound, submitted in good faith, factual and detailed. Reporting is a serious matter which can impact all involved. It is important to measure the truthfulness of facts and statements reported to avoid defamatory or libelous content.
To be considered valid, the report will take into account the following criteria :
- has the situation caused a prejudice?
- is the offence serious ?
- is the situation contrary to law
- are there any supporting documents to back up the report (photos, documents, videos...)
- is the report selfless and in good faith ?
- are the facts submitted by the person involved or by a bystander?
To respect confidentiality and rights of all involved any report will entail rigourous analysis and an internal audit.
The identity of any reporting party acting selflessly and in good faith to disclose illegal actions will kept confidential except in the case of the legal obligation to notify the public prosecutor in accordance with article 434-1 of the French penal code.